The custom design process does not have to be intimating and overwhelming. When you're working with the right designer it can be fun and simple.

At KSFJ, we teach as we go, consider each dollar as if it were our own and give you the tools needed to make the best decisions for your design.




Week 1-2: Let’s Talk

Either in person or via Zoom, book your appointment and we will discuss your vision, inspiration, stone preferences and budget. 

*The stone selection process can fluctuate in time based on how many rounds of stones it takes to find The One. The first round of stones will be presented 7-10 days after the initial appointment. If a stone is not selected from that batch, we source another round and will happily do so until The One is found.

Week 2-3: Time to Design

Once the stone is selected, we will begin to create your custom design. You will receive CAD renderings to see your vision come to life and approve costs. If desired, changes can be made to the design at this time. If you’re loving the design as is, on to the next step!

Week 3-4: Try On Time

Based on what you’re designing, such as a ring, you will see your design cut a 3D wax model. To get a real feel for the piece, you can set the stones in the rendering and try on! If desired, changes can be made to the design at this time. If you’re loving it as is, it’s time to go into production!

Week 4-8: Approval and Production

Upon approval, the production phase begins. Production time can vary based on the season but on average takes anywhere between 4 and 8 weeks.

Week 6-8: Delivery

The finished product is delivered, and appraisal is provided at no additional cost.